Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Back on track.

EDIT : We could have had a GTA clock on the screen for players who bought watches, but the only problem with that is, that with the GTA clock, every second the MINUTE changes, like in Single Player.

Most of the bugs have been found and rectified.

The new script, which is bug-free, currently has all features of the 24-7 /buy (menu based) , and includes items like gold plated watches / diamond studded watch etc., to boost RP. Rich people will probably have diamond watches to show off their wealth maybe? Each time they do /time, people nearby will notice that their watch is gold plated/ diamond studded.

Also, a city map can be purchased from the 24-7. Only once you purchase this map, will map icons for telephone company outlets, 24-7 outlets etc, appear on your map.

Suggestions for changes to this 24-7 system are still welcome. You can either comment here or on the forum section 'suggestions'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very original and creative ideas!

Keep it up man!