Friday, January 25, 2008


Some good news! All bugs were found! It seemed to be something with the user file system we were using, so we'll be using a new one. The new one is slightly advanced, and should we ever decide to add a online control panel for players, it will be possible.

Features (that were disabled for bug fixing) will now be readded soon, once they are checked once again to be fixed for bugs, so I'll probably be back at scripting 'new' stuff very soon.

Thanks again for your patience.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Back on track.

EDIT : We could have had a GTA clock on the screen for players who bought watches, but the only problem with that is, that with the GTA clock, every second the MINUTE changes, like in Single Player.

Most of the bugs have been found and rectified.

The new script, which is bug-free, currently has all features of the 24-7 /buy (menu based) , and includes items like gold plated watches / diamond studded watch etc., to boost RP. Rich people will probably have diamond watches to show off their wealth maybe? Each time they do /time, people nearby will notice that their watch is gold plated/ diamond studded.

Also, a city map can be purchased from the 24-7. Only once you purchase this map, will map icons for telephone company outlets, 24-7 outlets etc, appear on your map.

Suggestions for changes to this 24-7 system are still welcome. You can either comment here or on the forum section 'suggestions'.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Back to paperwork...

Unfortunately, the script seems to be creeping with a couple of bugs, that are getting really hard to fix. As a solution to this, I'll be getting back to the paperwork, and give it some thinking before actually proceeding with scripting new things. This could take up to a few days.

Thank you for being so patient.

Friday, January 18, 2008

More police commands!

Update : Tested for bugs.

Many new commands as suggested by Karl_Salameh, were scripted and tested for errors lately.

Commands for police to check past records of any person, which has details like number of times jailed, amount paid in fines etc. saved!

/r and /f
Separate channels for IC radio and OOC "family chat" for cops.

Weapons License
Police chief can now grant weapons licenses to citizens.

Tazer for cops is now scripted; and the tazer doesn't always get the suspect.. there are chances to miss.

Warnings on License
Cops can place warnings on your driving license, and the number of warnings can be seen by any cop using /record

Apart from these, certain ranks of the police department can also snatch away your driving license; probably if there are too many warnings on it.

Also, players can now use /licenses to show their licenses to any other player, or to view it themselves.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Cell Phone system is ready!

Cell phone system, as posted in this forum thread, is ready and is just undergoing some bug fixing.

Phone book system is also ready, and details about it are also mentioned in the above mentioned link.

There are several phone company outlets spread out throughout Los Santos, where you can pay your phone bills as they are generated.

There is also a particular Los Santos Telecom Headquarters; the only place where you can cancel your phone subscription, get caller id service, get a new number etc.
All interface for the cell phone system will be menu based.. making it easier to use.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Welcome to the City Life RP blog!

Hello and welcome to the CLRP scripting blog. Since many members of the community have personally expressed their inconvenience caused due to their not being able to track the script progress, I figured out it would be much easier to do so, with this blog!

I will keep updating this blog everyday there is any progress made to the script, so everyone can stay up to date.

We will also hopefully have a testing server arranged soon ; details of which will also be announced both here and on the forums as soon as possible.

Forum Website :

Blog Address :

Feel free to comment either here or on the forums to any posts made here.